The Prism Nightlight was designed by Nicholas Baker as a light that would be simple and intuitive to operate in the dark. It features an ingenious on-off mechanism which is switched by tilting the light to one side. The entire lamp has essentially become the light switch which makes it easy to turn on while sleepily fumbling around during the night.
Prism is composed of a single triangular block which can be tilted from one side to the other much like a seesaw (teeter-totter). It has two stationary positions and the seesaw light is a play on conventional light switches which pivot in a similar way between the on and off settings.
Nicholas Baker has stated that he was inspired by the work of Japanese industrial designer Naoto Fukusawa and his tendency to create playful and instinctively operated designs. Unfortunately the Prism seesaw nightlight was only a one off piece but it seems to have garnered a lot of interest from people and could one day potentially go into production.
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