Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang

Peng Wang Fibonacci Shelf Assembled to Show Golden Spiral

Fibonacci Golden Ratio Shelf Components Laid Out

The Fibonacci Numbers are calculated simply by adding together the two previous numbers in the sequence (eg. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89) with the ratio between two neighbour numbers approaching the Golden Ratio of 1 : 1.61803398… as the series progresses.

Peng Wang’s furniture piece elegantly reveals the way in which this Fibonacci sequence is composed in its purest physical form: the combined dimensions of two smaller shelf modules has precisely the same length as the one they are in contact with. One could even sketch a crude Golden Spiral by connecting the corners of these compartments.

Side View of Peng Wang's Fibonacci Shelf

Assembling Peng Wang's Fibonacci Shelf

Peng Wang's Fibonacci Shelf with Books

Head-on View of Peng Wang Fibonacci Shelf

Golden Ratio Shelf Compartments in Fibonacci Shelf

The Fibonacci Shelf is made from remarkably thin sheet metal and looks particularly minimalistic when viewed straight on — appearing almost like a line-drawing. The furniture is entirely modular in nature, being composed of these separate specifically sized cells which sit either on top or within one another. As a result the shelf can be assembled in a variety of different configurations, or even used as a table as pictured below.

Modular Fibonacci Shelf System as Table and Stools

Side View of Peng Wang's Fibonacci Shelf

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