I find it remarkable that the masterpieces are reasonably recognisable at a resolution of just 17 x 25 and with a palette of just 150 Lego colours to chose from. As is the case with a lot of impressionist art including pointilism, the pixellated paintings become even easier to discern if you squint your eyes, or view them at a smaller scale such as in these desktop thumbnails. Where possible, Marco Sodano used larger Lego pieces to create solid areas of a single colour rather than relying simply on 1 x 1 bricks throughout his works. However the following two images are from the first round of Lego masterpiece images Marco Sodano created and he appears to have applied a different method with these.The idea that gave birth to this unofficial ADV [advert] is the belief that every child with LEGO can become a great artist like Da Vinci and Vermeer.
– Marco Sodano (translated)
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