The Desk Collection by Grovemade: Ergonomics Just Got Sexy

Desk Collection in Walnut with Bent Plywood Monitor Stand

Grovemade, undoubtedly the finest purveyors of wooden technological accessories, have just come out with their latest collection: a series of desk furniture which aims to encourage healthy habits at the workspace. The products making up this collection have a minimalistic aesthetic and are made of appropriately premium materials, namely leather, aluminium and a choice of between maple or walnut wood.

Desk Collection in Maple by Grovemade

Desk Collection by Grovemade to Improve Posture

Many of the key pieces from the series serve to improve posture while simultaneously offering extra storage. For example modern computer monitors are simply not tall enough and this causes us to slouch in order to bring our eyes level. Grovemade designed the plywood monitor stand to replace the stack of books they had placed under their own computer monitors. After discovering this I decided to try a stack of books under my own iMac and noticed a big improvement; I’ll probably be investing in a more elegant solution such as the Grovemade bent plywood stand shortly.

Keyboard Tray Slides under Monitor Stand

Keyboard Tray and Wrist Pad in Walnut by Grovemade

The attention to posture and ergonomics is continued in the Keyboard Tray (with integrated storage) and a Wrist Pad for best typing practices, both of which can slide away under the monitor stand neatly. The Desk Collection also features a number of small furnishings including a pen pot, succulent planter, paper clip holder and a a pretty cool desk lamp.

Desk Lamp in Walnut by Grovemade

Leather Mousemat from Grovemade's Desk Colelction

Succulent Planters in Walnut from Grovemade

Some of the designs from Grovemade’s Desk Collection are undoubtedly a bit Mac exclusive, but seeing as this group is the most likely to be willing to invest in a premium selection of desk furnishings, this is understandable. The Keyboard Tray is a particular example of this as it will only fit a Mac keyboard. However Mac hardware is probably the most widely used single variety — Windows based PCs being equipped with countless different keyboard models — so it does make sense to cater to this design.

Mouse Pad, Ruler, and Plant Pots by Grovemade

Pieces from the Desk Collection range in price from $19 for the paper clip holder, $59 for the keyboard tray/mouse mats, and $79 for the monitor stand.

Desk Furnishings by Grovemade to Encourage Posture and Organisation

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  1. Cedric Sciberras

    I would like to enquire if you are able to post any of your computer desk items/accessories to Malta, Europe? If so what would be the postage and package costs?


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