moistSCAPE was an art installation by Freecell which saw angular planes of mossy substrate suspended in mid-air by structural steel elements. The geometric surfaces feature various moss species, and somewhat resemble miniature landmasses with moss’ deceptive qualities of scale. The vibrancy of the natural moss sits in stark contrast with the cold grey metal supports and charcoal grey flooring of the installation.
As an opportunity to explore the play of the natural within the artificial, we constructed a three-dimensional steel matrix inset with panels of living mosses and enclosed within by translucent volume. The matrix emerges from the walls and hovers over a groundscape of recycled rubber, which is as springy and giving underfoot as the mosses are to the touch of a hand.Freecell
Freecell is a multidisciplinary architectural practice with a portfolio that covers interior design, art installations, industrial design, as well as large scale architectural developments. The moistSCAPE installation which melds moss with steel structural elements was perhaps a precursor for some of their other works such as ‘Open House’.
The spatial configurations of these verdant planes vary in size, height and proximity to the visitor, thus creating a range of possible encounters. There is no designated path to follow, but instead present a space to explore where the underside is as telling as the topside.Freecell

Moisture regulating equipment at the moistSCAPE installation.
The art installation pictured here was created by Freecell and was on show at the Henry Urbach Gallery in New York in summer 2004. moistSCAPE features a floor of loose recycled rubber segments which are intended to mimic the springy qualities of moss beds while being starkly manmade and monochrome in contrast.
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